I think that Julia’s use of light and colour throughout her laboratories is extremely effective. It is not overbearing, but sparingly used only to create some exquisite and focused lighting, also using shadow and darkness to lead the user through the space. The use of different colours and textures create 3 different spaces with distinct atmospheres, clearly reflecting the various ideas of the clients. Finally, the image captures use very interesting and diverse perspectives in order to most clearly depict the lighting within the space by focusing on one specific lighting quality and reflection in the lab.
1 comment:
I think that Julia’s use of light and colour throughout her laboratories is extremely effective. It is not overbearing, but sparingly used only to create some exquisite and focused lighting, also using shadow and darkness to lead the user through the space. The use of different colours and textures create 3 different spaces with distinct atmospheres, clearly reflecting the various ideas of the clients. Finally, the image captures use very interesting and diverse perspectives in order to most clearly depict the lighting within the space by focusing on one specific lighting quality and reflection in the lab.
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