Thanks to Moa, Zhang Yin’s a Billionaire
Will Hutton
Sunday October 15, 2006
The Observer
This article discusses the empowerment of women in China in history, particularly analysing the career of Zang Yin. The writer explores the changing power in society from when “Women had no rights, existing only to have babies and please men, the richer forced to hobble and disfigure themselves by binding their feet from birth to affirm their essential purpose - decorative daintiness” to today where Zang Yin has proven that China has shed this concept by becoming the richest person in China worth $3.4bn. Not only is she the richest person in China but “the tycoon is the world's richest self-made woman, having built China's largest paper recycling business, Nine Dragons Paper, which was floated on the Hong Kong stock market just six months ago”. The article suggests that Zang not only holds power through her massive fourtune and business but also as an “eloquent symbol of the new China; a capitalist whose success and wealth was unthinkable before Deng Xiaoping freed China from the embrace of Maoism in 1978.”,,1922797,00.html#article_continue#article_continue
Tata well-steeled for post-colonial Corus line
Jo Johnson reports
February 05, 2007
Johnson explores India and the ecconomic influences of Ratan Tata in this article. The wealth and business decsions made by Tata have empowered people nationally. "The Corus deal has created a level of confidence within Indian industry that is remarkable. In one fell swoop, it's given Indian DNA a second strand, as we've moved from being a services-driven economy to a manufacturing behemoth." Tata’s various buisness investments are established and it is suggested that the direct result of these decisions are expressed in both his wealth and his international power.,20867,21170054-36375,00.html
Mexico: Carlos Slim
International Herald Tribune Oxford Analytica Published: August 8, 2007
This article explores the career of the world’s richest man, Carlos Slim. It discusses the success of his businesses and the diversity of his financial investments, “acquiring telecommunication assets and banking and retail businesses throughout the region and beyond.” Slims companies dominate on a global scale as “Slim-owned businesses account for about one-third of Mexico's stock exchange. Throughout Latin America, Slim is developing a presence in transport and infrastructure. In 2005, Slim's infrastructure company, Impulsora del Desarrollo Economico de America Latina (Ideal), listed on Mexico's stock exchange.... In 2001, Telmex created America Movil. Since then, the company has expanded into more than a dozen countries in Latin American and the Caribbean via a series of acquisitions from companies such as France Telecom and BellSouth.” The article emphasises the degree of power Slim has specifically in the business world.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Experiment 2: Final Design

This is the hallway where the two clients meet. The high ceiling is lit by bright coloured lights relates to both Darwin and Nightingale's religious beliefs.
Electroliquid Aggregation
I believe that man in the distant future will be a far more perfect creature than he is now and believe that then the idea of war will be history. Until then though I stand at the alter of murdered men in the light of god and fight their cause.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
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