Sunday, June 15, 2008

Design Studio 3- Art Gallery Final Model

Final Model- Gallery Space
The facade fits into the surrounding buildings on the street. The horizontal lines and the evenly punctuated windows are used in a more modern style. The skylights on the roof are defined by the central scultural glass element that trancends from roof level through to the ground floor. This brings natural light into the gallery.

Multiple levels link to each other through theses glass walls. The geometrical elements intertwine creating intricate passageways for the visitor to journey through.

The play between light and dark is strong in the design. The underground rooms are cold and poorly lit whereas the upper levels are well lit from windows and the glass courtyard.

Solid elements contrast to the glass centre. These are the thick column that extends from the ground level to the roof , the billboard as you enter and the dividing structure between these elements.

Design Studio 3- Final Drawings

Site Plan

Floor Plans and Roof Plan

Room Plan and Section and Views

Facade Elevation and Section

Design Studio 3- Preliminary Drawings and Model

Sketch Model- Exploring Levels and attempts to create large gallery spaces within the small site.

Rough Drawings laying out spaces and elements

First Plans

Initial Section

Design Studio 3- Gallery Site

Gallery Site- King Street, Newtown
Site Google maps- Site positioned in busy area of Newtown, close to Sydney University. This will attract many young viewers to the contmporary gallery.

Front Facade of neighbouring buildings- The heights of neighbouring buildings will allow a multiple level building.

Corner of site- Interesting angle to the street.

Back Facade

Alley way to back of site- provides easy access for delivery trucks.

Design Studio 3- Project 3 Art Works

Art Works for Gallery Space
Mike Parr
Cuban 1, 1991. Set of 12 Prints.
The intertweaving of spaces over the canvases inspires me. I would like to incorperate this idea of movement within geometrical bounds into my design.

Primitive Gifts 2, 1991 Set of 12 prints.

The contrast of black and white in this artwork is important. I will also use this in my work.

Julie Rrap

Body Double
I want to create a space specifically for video art. the space will emphasise the confronting nature of these artworks.

I will also incorperate spaces for various art mediums including sculpture, photographs and paintings.

Design Studio Project 3- Art Gallery Inspiration

Inspirational Art Galleries


Multiple levels play with field of view. Important glass elements and solid white walls. Walls and artworks are one.

Pomidiou Centre

Interweaving elements. Interesting manipulation of light.